All Tours | Lahor - Plavnik Uninhabited Island Discovery

The LAHOR is a comfortable 90-passenger boat that departs Punat harbor at 10am.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday days from the beginning of June until the end of September. 

We sail from Punat to the uninhabited island of Plavnik. Along the coast, where you can see bays and beaches, as well as the animals of the island - vultures, sheep and seagulls. We can admire Europe's largest protected birds, the white-necked vultures. Mooring in Krusija Bay, a concert of cicadas provides the music for the sumptuous lunch. Walking up to the top of the island, you can admire the stunning panorama, pick wild sage, and go to the beach. The famous cave of love is located on the island of Plavnik, where the braver can jump into the water by jumping from the boat.

Food & drinks
- Lunch is included in the price. You can choose between fish and meat, but the ship's chef can also serve delicacies for vegetarians.

- Drinks can be purchased at the ship's buffet.
We may cancel the trip for unforeseen reasons, such as bad weather. If possible, we recommend another day or trip instead. If this does not satisfy, we will refund the price of the pre-paid ticket.